Templates are being used for sending emails and for notifying users using built-in Workflow capabilities (Send Template Notification type of step). Templates need to be configured separately and then during workflow setup a specific template can be used to send notifications.

To setup a template, navigate to Aqtra Studio → Application → Template section.


Add Template

To add a new Template, press the Add button, then set the desired template name, and press Save.

You will see a template editor like shown below.


Remove Template

To remove a template navigate to Aqtra Studio → Application → Template section, then press a ‘X’ button and confirm that you want to remove a template.


Editing Template - Setup the Object Model

Just like with a Component, editing template starts with defining an Object Model which will be used in conjunction with either Dataflow or Workflow that will use the template. Template fields are the same as in Components, so you can refer to the appropriate section here to setup the Object model.

Setup Object Model fоr a Component

Configuring Templates Layout & Content

Scalaxi Platform uses DevExpess Report Designer for building templates that can be used to either send notifications using workflow step SendTemplatedNotifications or create documents using dataflow step RenderTemplate.

Once you’ve created a new template, you will see window open like shown below.