To make a version of components, localization, extension or other relevant configuration done via Studio, it needs to be published. And for a version of a component to be published, it needs to be marked as ready to publish.

Saving components and using History to manage versions

Every component design view in Studio have two button on the top right side of the design window - Save and Ready to Publish, as shown on the screenshot below.


During component’s design, you can click Save button at any time, in order to save a current copy of your component’s configuration. Each time you press Save button, any changes you’ve made since last save will be saved, and you can use History button on the top-left corner to see all different versions and related changes to your components that you or anyone else has made, as shown on the screenshot below.


You can also switch between different parts of the changes, such as changes to the component options (shown below), or component Schema (core data model) or component’s Markup (visual controls configuration).


You can then not only see the changes, but apply or rollback to different versions of the component, as needed.

Marking a Component available to publish

Once you have the version of your component that you want to see in action, you need to make it available to publish. To do that, you need to first saved your component (if you haven’t done that yet), and then click on Ready to publish button on the top-right of the component design screen.


Making a localization or integration available for Publish

Currently, any changes to localization (e.g., adding a new locale, a new translation key or a new translation value) will make localization version automatically available for publish once changes are saved.

Integrations and Domains (Applications) are automatically available to be selected during publish regardless of wherever there were any changes to them since last save.