Setting up Aqtra Platform for Tencent Cloud

For installation of the Aqtra Platform for Tencent Cloud you need to use an image of a virtual machine.

At first you need create instance in Tencent Cloud. You need create security group for your instance. For this go to the “Security groups”.


Then you need create and modify rules for your group. For this you need click in button “Add rule” and add this rules:

You need make this for Inbound rules and Outbound rules.

After this you need create network and subnet for your imstance. For this go to the “Virtual Private Cloud”


Then click to the “Create” button and create network and subnet in this window:


After this action you can create instance. Go to the “Cloud Virtual Machine” and choose “Instances”


Then click “Create” and create your instance. Depending on the method of obtaining the image choose “Custom image” or “Shared image” and choose aqtra-platform image in list: