We are going to extend the Invoice Inventory application we’ve built here, by adding abilities for users who create invoices to do it for different departments, by adding important invoice data such as supplier data and internal invoice coding and by providing invoice inventory users with ability to submit their invoices for review and approvals.
We will also add a new Bill Approvals application. Bill approval application will automatically convert any invoice submitted for review and approval into a bill, then execute automated review and approval workflow, and finally update the original invoice with the proper status.
We will have three main teams of users defining what they do in the application:
Additionally, users will be defined by the departments they belong to. Specifically, users can belong to the following departments:
Users from Marketing and IT departments would only be able to create and see invoices related to their respective departments. User from Management will be able to see and approve bills created from invoices from any department.
In addition to the original invoice application data listed here, the following data will be part of invoice:
Additionally, we will create a separate shared component - a Catalog - which will hold all relevant invoice lifecycle information (e.g. Draft, Under Review, Approved, etc.), and will used as a reference point for all other components that will have a need to display a Status