In general, applications built using Aqtra Platform can be access by either authenticated or unauthenticated users, or both. For managing authenticated users, Users section of the Access section of Aqtra Studio is available.

Listing All Users

To find all registered users in a specific Aqtra Platform instance, go to Aqtra Studio, and navigate to Access → Users section. You will see a list of all users currently registered in the system, which will look like shown below.


Adding A New User

To add a new user, press the Add button on Access → Users screen.

You will a new user add dialog with the following settings.


Setting field Possible values Setting Purpose
User name - Login name for a new user
EMail - Email for a new user
First name - User’s First Name
Last name - User’s Last Name
Middle name - User’s Middle Name
Active true, false If set to True, user is Active and can login into Aqtra Platform. If not, user will not be able to login into Aqtra Platform
Password - Password for a new user
Select contexts - Select Roles (see an example screenshot below) - Pairs of available Security Contexts and available Security Roles. For more details, please refer to


Removing A User (Making user Inactive)

To remove a new user for Aqtra Platform, navigate to Access → Users screen, click on the user you want to remove and uncheck the Active flag.