What is a Workflow?

Workflows are state-machine based sequences of actions, that can both be automated actions such as executing dataflows, updating data, as well as interactions with human users such as getting user acknowledgement or sending user a notification in different ways and formats. Workflows also include ability to check conditions such as if/then or multiple switch (case) scenarios.

Workflows consist of two main components:

Visual builder of Workflow

Workflow Visual Builder is visual editor allowing creation and management of Workflows.

Workflow Visual Builder allows:

Once created, workflows are laid out from left to right in Stages, while Steps inside each Stage is stacked top to bottom, as shown below.


Add / Remove new Stage

To add a new stage, press a Add Stage button on the top of the Workflow Visual Builder. If you click on the Edit (pencil icon) button on the Stage, you can also rename it as you see fit. You can add unlimited number of Stages.


To remove a workflow Stage, press “X” button on the right of the stage name as shown below.
